Frequently Asked Questions
Design Phases
Working with an architect is a creative process which can be broken down into phases. These phases also identify important milestones in the progression of the project:
Programming determines the scope of a design project whereby the space needs are identified. For example on a small project such as a kitchen, programming would determine the spatial needs for the kitchen. If the project is ground up new construction, then the programming phase determines all of the spaces required, desired space adjacency, room sizes and square footage.
Schematic design begins when design concepts are laid out with architectural drawings or sketches which help communicate and decide on the appropriate design solution. When a schematic design is selected, the design can move forward into Design Development.
Design Development further documents the schematic design concept. By the conclusion of this phase, appliance and equipment selection should be finalized. Materials and colors should be selected and approved. It starts becoming time intensive to make major design changes after this phase.
Construction Documents are created which are detailed and dimensioned for construction. Design changes are possible, but not recommended as they are costly and impact drawings already drafted. At some point during the Construction Documents or at the conclusion of the phase, a Permit Set is issued to submit to the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
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Construction Administration is a critical time for communication between architect, owner and contractor. Construction drawings need to be interpreted by the contractor and it is invaluable to have architectural feedback to realize the design intent. Sometimes the contractor presents a more economical or more desired way for construction sequencing to build something. This can impact the construction drawings and require input from the architect and the generation of new drawings to document the design change.
Design Associations
The American Institute of Architects National Association:
The American Institute of Architects Seattle chapter:
United States Green Building Council (USGBC):
Selection of interior paints, finishes, fixtures
Selection of exterior paints, materials, fixtures
Interior remodel concept design through Construction Documents
Ground up new construction design concepts through Construction Documents
Furniture selection and space planning
Permit Documents for submission to the Authority Having Jurisdiction
Construction Documents for solicitation of contractor Bids
New Construction - homes and commercial spaces
Interior Design and Renovations - homes and commercial spaces
Coordination with Engineers
"Punch walks" checking for thoroughness of project work
Assist with reviewing contractor bids for a project and selecting a contractor
"3rd eye" finish selections whereby we will provide a review of finishes you have selected for a project
Full Construction Contract Administration services - regular site walks, participation in pre-construction meetings with subcontractors, coordination with the General Contractor, and providing Construction document requests for information and interpretation support.